Sponsor Animals

  • Species-Specific Care for Existing Farmed Animals
  • Optimal Feed, Water & Shelter for Animals
  • Incentivising Farmers’ Commitment to Stop Using Animals
  • Transitioning Animal-Based Farms to Ethical Sanctuaries

Funding Farms

  • Mentoring & Support for Transition
  • Basic & Lightweight Farming Equipment
  • Water Irrigation Systems
  • Technology for Long-Distance Monitoring of Farms


  • Environmental, Health & Economic Impacts of Animal Agriculture
  • Ethical, Social & Cultural Contrasts of Animal-Based & Plant-Based Economies


  • Administrative Costs & Communications Team
  • Liaison between Urvarasa and the Farmers
  • Produce Sales & Logistics
  • Environment-Friendly Packaging Solutions


The current food system is highly exploitative to farmed animals, indigenous ecosystems, natural resources, farmers and our very own health.

Farming Ecosystem

India is home to the world’s largest livestock population while we occupy just 2.4% of the global land mass. More than 80% of the soy and 60% of the maize grown is used for animal feed. India is the highest extractor of groundwater, a quarter of the global total, more than the US and China combined, with most of it used for monoculture. India is also the largest producer of dairy and the second largest beef and veal exporter globally, with an undeniable correlation between the two. We also stand as the 3rd largest egg producer and 8th largest meat producer in the world, bringing to question the efficacy of land and resource use, as well as the ethical concerns related to animal agriculture.

Human Ecosystem

We are currently plagued by a public health crisis, ridden with malnutrition, hunger and chronic lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart conditions amongst many others. People employed in the supply chain of animal agriculture, like slaughterhouse workers, butchers, labourers and transporters suffer due to physical, mental and environmental distress that is inherent to their job and work standards. This not only causes a huge issue to their well-being, especially for minority communities, but it also poses a great risk to society at large. 

The only solution to a multitude of problems we face as a country is to actively support farmers to transition away from animal-based farming towards growing crops using natural, plant-based farming practices. Ensuring a fair price for farmers ensures they receive the much-deserved benefits from their dedicated work and reduces the overall livestock population. This in turn mitigates the effects of climate change, reduces the pressure on natural resources, enables national food security, benefits public health and builds a compassionate ecosystem for a sustainable future.


Bank Details

  • Bank Name: Saraswat Bank
  • Account Number: 380100100000600
  • IFSC Code: SRCB0000380

Contact Details